Globle is an engaging daily geography game where you need to guess a mystery country. Use color-coded hints to find the target country - the warmer the color, the closer you are!
"A fantastic way to learn geography while having fun! The color-based distance system makes it both challenging and educational. I've discovered so many countries I never knew existed!"
- Player Review
How to Play
- Each day features a new mystery country to discover
- Type in any country name to make a guess
- The map provides color-coded feedback:
- Deep red indicates very close to the target
- Light red means somewhat close
- Yellow suggests medium distance
- Light shades indicate far away
- Dark shades show very distant locations
Game Mechanics
- One mystery country per day
- Unlimited guesses allowed
- Color intensity indicates proximity
- All players worldwide get the same country each day
- Previous guesses are saved and displayed
Strategy Tips
- Start with larger countries to narrow down the region
- Use continental landmarks as reference points
- Pay attention to both distance and direction
- Consider neighboring countries when you see warm colors
- Learn from your previous guesses' color patterns
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the game reset daily?
Yes, a new mystery country is selected at midnight UTC.
Can I play previous days' puzzles?
Currently, each puzzle is available for 24 hours only, encouraging daily participation.
How is distance calculated?
Distance is measured from the center point of your guessed country to the target country.
Are all countries included?
The game includes most internationally recognized countries and some territories.
Educational Benefits
- Improve geographical knowledge
- Learn country locations and relationships
- Develop spatial reasoning skills
- Understand global distances and positioning
- Discover new countries and territories
Ready for More Challenges?
If you enjoy Globle, check out these other geography-based games:
- Worldle - Test your geography knowledge with country outlines! Explore the world
- Globle Game - A different take on geographical discovery Travel the globe
Or try our other popular puzzle games:
Word Games
Wordle Unlimited - Endless word guessing fun, play as much as you want! Never stop guessing
Dordle - Double trouble! Solve two word puzzles at once Double the challenge
Tridle - Triple the fun with three simultaneous puzzles Triple the excitement
Quordle - The ultimate challenge: four puzzles, one screen Quadruple the fun
Absurdle - The evil twin of Wordle that fights back Outsmart the game
Crosswordle - Where crosswords meet Wordle in perfect harmony Cross paths
Number & Logic Games
- 2048 - Slide, merge, and reach 2048! Join the numbers
- Nerdle - Crack the daily number puzzle Solve the equation
- Sudoku - Exercise your brain with the classic number game Master the grid
Creative Word Games
- Squaredle - Hunt for words in every direction Begin the word hunt
- Combinations - Create endless word possibilities Discover combinations
- SpellBee - Build words from letters like a busy bee Start buzzing
- Strands - Weave words through a sea of letters Weave your words
Strategy Games
- Gomoku - Think five moves ahead to victory Plan your strategy
- Tic Tac Toe - The classic game of X's and O's Make your mark
- Connect 4 - Drop tokens to victory Connect to win
Ready for a new challenge? Each game offers a unique twist on puzzle-solving fun. Pick your next adventure and start playing!